The Complexity of Abortion Laws: Federalism’s Impact on Women’s Reproductive Rights

Author: Shaoni Chakraborty: Abortion is a deeply complex and contentious issue that involves questions of healthcare, morality, legality, and gender rights. The regulation of abortion laws is often influenced by a country’s legal, cultural, religious and political frameworks. Federalism, which divides governmental powers between national and constituent unit governments, can have profound effects on the accessibility and implementation of abortion laws, which in federal systems can often differ significantly between levels of government.

Federalism: Medicine for a Broken Lebanon?

Author: Anthony Bou-chrouche: For almost 50 years, Lebanon has been plagued with problems of civil unrest due to a lack of social cohesion that stems from religious differences among the groups that comprise its population. The country is home to 18 different religious communities, each of which possess constitutionally enshrined levels of representation in Parliament. In the legislature, generally seats are divided equally between Christian and Muslim communities (with some exceptions like that of the representation of the Druze community).

Does Government Digitalization Lead to Greater Centralization in Federations?

SPECIAL SERIES: Digitalization of Public Administration in Federal Countries – Author: Éric Desrochers: During the Digitalization of Public Administration in Federal Countries workshop, scholars and practitioners of government digitalization presented case studies touching on various aspects of the relationship between e-government and centralization in federal and quasi-federal countries.

The Relationship between Digitalization and Decentralization in Federations

SPECIAL SERIES: Digitalization of Public Administration in Federal Countries – Author: Aracelly Denise Granja: The role digitalization plays within the governments of federal countries has been a rising topic of interest in public administration. Particularly, researchers, policymakers, and public servants have sought to determine whether there is a causal relationship between the digitalization of public administration in federations and increased levels of decentralization.

Benefit or Barrier? The Effects of Federalism on Digitalization in Public Administration

SPECIAL SERIES: Digitalization of Public Administration in Federal Countries – Author: Valere Gaspard. When discussing the process of the digitalization of public administrations in federal states, a fundamental question is continuously posed in the background: what is the relationship between federalism and digitalization?

The Enemy of Good Governance – The Relationship Between Corruption and Federalism

Author: Kamila Kolodziejczyk – We live in a world in which acts of corruption and abuse of power by individuals who actively leverage positions of official authority and influence for personal benefit challenge the ability of governments to effectively meet the needs of people. Despite the near-universal condemnation of corruption by citizens, media, politicians and international organizations, abuses continue to plague governance systems worldwide.