Federalism: Medicine for a Broken Lebanon?

Author: Anthony Bou-chrouche: For almost 50 years, Lebanon has been plagued with problems of civil unrest due to a lack of social cohesion that stems from religious differences among the groups that comprise its population. The country is home to 18 different religious communities, each of which possess constitutionally enshrined levels of representation in Parliament. In the legislature, generally seats are divided equally between Christian and Muslim communities (with some exceptions like that of the representation of the Druze community).

What Key Issues Lie Ahead as Federations Move Forward with Digitalization?

SPECIAL SERIES: Digitalization of Public Administration in Federal Countries – Author: Maeva Anoma: Today, rapid and constant technological advancements allow us to access multiple services right from the comfort of our couches. For example, we can order groceries, shop for clothes, rent cars, and have products delivered directly to our homes. As these technologies increasingly help citizens in their daily lives, and become an integral part of the operations of business, people are beginning to expect similar levels of digital services from their governments. Digitalizing the public sector can allow federal countries to provide effective, efficient, reliable, and rapid services across different levels of government.